Sherman Court
Dedicated June 2005
George Sherman Jr.
Several Breakfast Club Rotarians decided that the money from the George Sherman Memorial Fund should be used to build a Basketball Court at Hartnett Elementary School in Truxton, New York. George was a champion of local youth and his heart was in Truxton.
Until now the children in Truxton shot baskets on a rim against the school building in the parking lot. When ever a car came by the game would pause until the coast was clear. This seemed like the perfect project to immortalize George so the project quickly moved from idea to working plan to reality.
Brian Kenney, a Breakfast Club Rotarian and project manager for the Hayner-Hoyt Corporation, immediately took an interest. After drawing the plan and scheduling the project, he coordinated the club members and everyone pitched in with money, time, talent and favors to see this project come to life. What follows is a story in pictures of how it all went.